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On his motorcycle, Stewy rides for kidney cancer

It had been six years since Stewy was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer – four years longer than the life expectancy his doctors initially gave him. So, it seemed like a good time for…

7 ways to participate in Kidney Cancer Awareness Month

March is Kidney Cancer Awareness Month and we have a packed calendar to celebrate – we’re #UnstoppableTogether! This year, we are highlighting voices of kidney cancer patients and caregivers. Look out for a personal story…

“I have a whole new lease on life”

Four years ago, John Floyd didn’t think he’d be where he is today. At the time, wracked with a cough that had persisted for a year, he was diagnosed with stage IV renal cell carcinoma.

Check out our top 10 merriest moments in this year-end review!

If you’d like to make a gift to support our research efforts in 2020, to honor or remember a loved one, or to make a gift of gratitude, visit www.kidneycancer.org/donate. 100% of every dollar you give goes directly to research!

KCA joins 103 orgs urging to pass 2020 Defense Appropriations Act

Our personal stories make us strong. But together, our voices are unstoppable. Along with over 100 other medical research and advocacy organizations, the Kidney Cancer Association co-signed the letter below and sent it to the US House and Senate leadership offices.

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