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Step 5: Get Support

Finding support throughout your kidney cancer journey can be challenging. The KCA has several resources to help you get the support and information you and your family need.

Download or Order a Toolkit Now

Download Just Diagnosed Toolkit in a Different Language

Have a question? Need help finding a local physician? Have questions about financial assistance? KCA’s Patient Navigator Program is here to help!

KCA’s Online Support Community

Join the Smart Patients Kidney Cancer Community and connect with patients and caregivers affected by kidney cancer. Ask questions and share support with others who can learn from you.

KCA’s Video Library

Learn from kidney cancer experts as they answer some of the most frequently asked questions from patients and caregivers.

Get personalized nutrition guidance from Ina®, the Intelligent Nutrition Assistant

Ina® helps people with cancer eat healthy, manage nutrition-related treatment side effects, and stay well-nourished throughout their treatment and beyond. Good nutrition can help people with cancer feel better and manage symptoms.

Caregiver Support

Caring for someone with kidney cancer is a vital and challenging role. In order to be good caregivers, caregivers need to take care of themselves.

Remember, together we’ve got this!

You are ready to face your kidney cancer journey. And the Kidney Cancer Association is here for you, every step of the way.