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Programs to Support Patients and Educate Clinicians Launched

HOUSTON – July 30, 2020 – The Kidney Cancer Association (KCA) launched three new programs today to support and educate kidney cancer patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. The Just Diagnosed Toolkit, the Patient Navigator Program,…

Sallie McAdoo, MS, KCA’s First Medical Director

HOUSTON – July 22, 2020 – The Kidney Cancer Association (KCA) is pleased to announce Sallie McAdoo, MS, joined the organization as its first Medical Director. She began her role on July 20, 2020. “This…

Ina®, The Intelligent Nutrition Assistant

Personalized nutrition support available “on demand” to patients and caregivers HOUSTON – April 16, 2020 – The Kidney Cancer Association (KCA) is pleased to announce its partnership with Savor Health® to bring Ina®, The Intelligent…

$1.3 Million in Grant Funding Seeks Applicants

Young Investigator and Advanced Discovery Awards will advance kidney cancer research HOUSTON – March 18, 2020 – The Kidney Cancer Association (KCA) is pleased to announce applications for both its Young Investigator Awards (YIAs) and…

2019 ADA and YIA Recipients

A total of $1.3 million awarded to advance new treatments for kidney cancer HOUSTON – September 16, 2019 – The Kidney Cancer Association (KCA) is pleased to announce the recipients of the Advanced Discovery Awards…

$1.3 Million Approved for New Research Opportunities

HOUSTON – April 16, 2019 – The Kidney Cancer Association (KCA) is pleased to announce its Board of Directors recently approved $1.3 million in new grant funding to advance early detection and new treatments for…

Joanne battles stage 4 kidney cancer

Four years ago, Joanne Romero, who lives in Texas, was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer when she was 26 weeks pregnant. Despite her challenges, Joanne remains positive and hopes her story serves as an inspiration to others. 

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Email Radha Chitale with media inquiries. Please include your name, outlet, topic, deadline, and contact details.